Features of Scootable

User Application

  1. Registration and Login: Users should be able to create and manage their accounts.
  2. SMS Verification: SMS verification when user login and registrations.
  3. Vehicle Rental: Users should be able to easily rent vehicles through the app.
  4. Map Integration: Users should be able to see available vehicles on a map.
  5. Payment System: Secure and fast payment processing capabilities.
  6. Feedback: Users should be able to provide feedback about their experiences.
  7. Prepaid System: Users can make payments before the ride.
  8. Postpaid System with Card Registration: Allows card registration and post-payment after the ride.
  9. Deposit and Membership Approval: Membership is approved upon deposit.
  10. Manage Registered Cards: Users can manage their registered card information.
  11. Discount Code Implementation: Offers advantageous rides through discount codes.
  12. Ride and Payment History: Users can view their past ride and payment history.
  13. Dark and Light Mode Selection: Option to choose between dark and light mode for the application interface.
  14. Metric or Mile System: Distance measurement preference in metric or imperial units.
  15. Language Selection: Option to select preferred language.
  16. Account Deletion Option: Allows users to delete their accounts.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 11.23.48
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 11.24.15

Admin Dashboard

  1. Vehicle Management: Ability to add, remove, and track the status of vehicles.
  2. User Management: Manage user accounts and authentication processes.
  3. Payment Management: Handle payment histories, billing, and discounts.
  4. Vehicle Tracking: Real-time vehicle location tracking and data analysis.
  5. Maintenance Management: Plan and schedule vehicle maintenance and repairs.
  6. Statistics: Provides daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and custom date range statistics.
  7. Geofence: Offers ride options within specified geographical boundaries.
  8. Different Pricing Policies: Allows setting different pricing policies for different cities and countries.
  9. User Types and Varied Pricing: Creation of different user types with distinct pricing policies.
  10. Authorization Levels: Defines different authorization levels for staff accessing the management panel.
  11. Running Trips: Enables real-time tracking of active rides.
  12. Gift Feature: Allows administrators to allocate ride credits as gifts to users.
  13. Manual Ride Ends: Permits remote termination of rides when necessary.
  14. Vehicle Commands: Remote control features like unlocking, starting/stopping the engine, and sounding the horn.
  15. Payment Processing: Requests payment from users with outstanding ride charges using their registered credit cards.
  16. Live Map: Displays all vehicles in real-time on the map, color-coded based on their charge status.
  17. Charging / Parking Areas: Certain areas can be defined as charging stations or parking stations. Additional discounts can also be defined for users who stop driving in these areas.
  18. Promotions and Discounts: Ability to offer promotional deals and discounts to users.
  19. Vehicle Options: Include a variety of vehicle types such as scooters, bicycles, and cars.
  20. Mobile Compatibility: All features are accessible via a mobile-friendly interface on smartphones or tablets.