Integrated IOT's and Scooters

You are an electric vehicle producer and want to add your vehicles to our system. That sounds great. We need your integration documents and a sample device. If you can send us that document and device, we can start the integration. Also you can connect us from [email protected] email address.
You are an IoT producer and want to add your IoT’s to our system. That sounds great. We need your integration documents and a sample device. If you can send us that document and device, we can start the integration. Also you can connect us from [email protected] email address.
We are integrating with payment services If we receive a request from our customers. Otherwise, If you have an attractive offer, you can send it to us via e-mail to [email protected]
Hi dude,
We started like you before years ago. Therefore, we are open to offers from you. We can take action after our relevant units evaluate your offer, which you will send to [email protected].
Just write an email to [email protected]